03 March 2025

LA5 - (HE12-HE35) Tab

LA5 tab

The fields on the LA5 - (HE12-HE35) tab are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Credit Value (HE12) The number of credit points a learner gains or could gain on successful completion of the course.
Mode of Attendance (HE13) The mode of attendance for the learner on a HE programme.
General Qualification Aim of Programme (HE14) The general qualification aim of the HE programme.
Subject of Learning Programme 1 (HE16) The subject of the learning programme 1.
Subject of Learning Programme % (HE17) The proportion of time allocated for the subject of learning programme 1.
Subject of Learning Programme 2 (HE18) The subject of the learning programme 2.
Subject of Learning Programme % 2 (HE19) The proportion of time allocated for the subject of learning programme 2.
Subject of Learning Programme 3 (HE20) The subject of the learning programme 3.
Subject of Learning Programme % 3 (HE21) The proportion of time allocated for the subject of learning programme 3.
Awarding Body (HE31) The awarding body of the qualification awarded.
Care Leavers (HE33) Indicates whether the learner is a care leaver.
Employer Funding (HE34) Indicates whether a place has employer funding.
Employer Fees (HE35) Indicates whether an employer contributes to tuition fees.